The High Numbers
The High Numbers were a short-lived but influential precursor to The Who, formed in 1964. Initially, the band adopted the name to align with the Mod scene, a British youth subculture known for its fashion, scooters, and musical tastes. During their brief existence under this name, they released the single "Zoot Suit/I'm the Face," both of which were embraced by Mods for their sharp, rhythm-and-blues style. The High Numbers were guided by their manager, Peter Meaden, who played a critical role in marketing them as the ultimate Mod band during this early phase.
Though the name "The High Numbers" did not last long, the band's association with the Mod culture persisted throughout their career as The Who. The tracks from their High Numbers days laid the foundation for the band's later exploration of youth rebellion and social discontent. Their music, especially "I'm the Face," became synonymous with the Mod movement and helped solidify their place as icons of 1960s British rock culture.
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