Norman Greenbaum
Norman Greenbaum is an American singer-songwriter best known for his 1969 hit Spirit in the Sky. Born in 1942 in Massachusetts, Greenbaum started his music career as a folk artist before transitioning to rock. Spirit in the Sky became a defining track of the late 1960s and early 1970s, blending gospel themes with psychedelic rock elements. The song's unique fuzz guitar sound and hand-clapping rhythm made it an instant classic, earning it a place in numerous films, commercials, and pop culture references.
Despite the song’s success, Greenbaum never replicated its impact and largely faded from the mainstream music scene. He continued to record music and make occasional public appearances, but he remained a one-hit wonder in the eyes of many. However, Spirit in the Sky remains one of the most recognizable songs of its era, ensuring Greenbaum’s legacy as a significant contributor to rock history.
Featured in Soundtracks