Indigo Girls
The Indigo Girls, consisting of Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, are an American folk rock duo known for their harmonizing vocals and insightful lyrics. Formed in the mid-1980s in Atlanta, Georgia, the duo gained prominence with their 1989 self-titled album, which included hits like "Closer to Fine" and "Kid Fears." Their music blends elements of folk, rock, and country, and is distinguished by its introspective and often socially conscious lyrics. The Indigo Girls have built a loyal following over the decades, thanks to their compelling live performances and consistent output of new music.
Beyond their musical achievements, Ray and Saliers are committed activists, involved in various social and environmental causes. They have used their platform to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, environmental conservation, and social justice issues. The duo's activism is woven into their music, reflecting their belief in the power of art to inspire change. Over their long career, the Indigo Girls have maintained a reputation for authenticity and integrity, both in their artistic endeavors and their advocacy efforts.
Featured in Soundtracks