
Women Talking and the Subdued Resilience of Its...

Sarah Polley’s Women Talking is an understated yet searing cinematic exploration of trauma, survival, and collective agency, set within a secluded religious colony. The film follows a group of women...

Women Talking and the Subdued Resilience of Its...

Sarah Polley’s Women Talking is an understated yet searing cinematic exploration of trauma, survival, and collective agency, set within a secluded religious colony. The film follows a group of women...

Nomadland: The Soundtrack of Stillness on the O...

In Nomadland (2020), director Chloé Zhao invites us into a world of modern American nomadism with a gentle, unfiltered gaze. Following Fern, portrayed with characteristic quiet brilliance by Frances McDormand,...

Nomadland: The Soundtrack of Stillness on the O...

In Nomadland (2020), director Chloé Zhao invites us into a world of modern American nomadism with a gentle, unfiltered gaze. Following Fern, portrayed with characteristic quiet brilliance by Frances McDormand,...

Frozen Apocalypse: The Day After Tomorrow and t...

The Day After Tomorrow (2004) is one of those blockbuster disaster films that hits you like an arctic blast on a mild spring day. Directed by Roland Emmerich—king of large-scale...

Frozen Apocalypse: The Day After Tomorrow and t...

The Day After Tomorrow (2004) is one of those blockbuster disaster films that hits you like an arctic blast on a mild spring day. Directed by Roland Emmerich—king of large-scale...

What’s Love Got to Do with It? (2022): A Cross-...

Directed by Shekhar Kapur, What’s Love Got to Do with It? (2022) offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre by blending cross-cultural dynamics with contemporary themes of love,...

What’s Love Got to Do with It? (2022): A Cross-...

Directed by Shekhar Kapur, What’s Love Got to Do with It? (2022) offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre by blending cross-cultural dynamics with contemporary themes of love,...

Eternal Youth and Alien Pools: The Enduring Cha...

Monday, Film4, 2:10am When Cocoon hit cinemas in 1985, it seemed like a small sci-fi story tucked into a Reagan-era coming-of-age tapestry—but it had a life of its own, bolstered...

Eternal Youth and Alien Pools: The Enduring Cha...

Monday, Film4, 2:10am When Cocoon hit cinemas in 1985, it seemed like a small sci-fi story tucked into a Reagan-era coming-of-age tapestry—but it had a life of its own, bolstered...

Galloping Through History: The Heroic Score and...

Steven Spielberg’s War Horse (2011) is a visual and emotional tribute to the extraordinary resilience of animals and soldiers alike during World War I. Adapted from Michael Morpurgo’s novel, the...

Galloping Through History: The Heroic Score and...

Steven Spielberg’s War Horse (2011) is a visual and emotional tribute to the extraordinary resilience of animals and soldiers alike during World War I. Adapted from Michael Morpurgo’s novel, the...